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Monday, 12 January 2015


Chief Doyin Okupe, the Special Adviser to
President Goodluck Jonathan who likened the
President to Jesus Christ last year has come
with another revelation.
FNN team ran into Doyin Okupe on his way back
from church on Sunday, and he begged us to
interview him, as there was a new revelation that
he had.

According to him, “You know that GEJ is like
Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And when you
believe in the Son of God, all your sins shall be
wiped away.
As a Special Adviser to the Son of God here in
Nigeria, and therefore one of the Angels that is
charged with delivering the masses from the
shenanigans of the evil propaganda of the Devil
through his number one agent in Nigeria, General
Murtala Buhari, it was revealed to me
that anyone who indeed believes that GEJ is the
Son of God shall be saved.”
When we asked him to clarify more on the issue,
he continued, “GEJ is like Jesus Christ. If you
vote for GEJ, you are affirming your belief in
Jesus Christ, and all your sins shall be wiped
away. It is that simple”
We then asked him whether the sins of those
who looted the economy would also be wiped
away, he replied that “there is nothing like big
sin or small sin, that God looks at the heart.
When God looks at your heart and evinces an
intention to vote for GEJ, ALL your sins shall be
wiped away, be you a murderer, prostitute, petty
thief, or white collar thief”
FNN doesn’t know how GEJ intends to wipe
away our sins, whether it is by
Presidential Pardon or by Spiritual Justification,
but it does not look good for looters of
our economy to be allowed to go scott free. The
God of Heaven and Earth in the Bible is
a righteous God that punishes evil doers. Maybe
GEJ is not like Jesus in the Bible, or maybe he is
indeed like Jesus, but a prodigal son.


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